Dallas Traffic Ticket Attorney

Dallas Traffic Ticket Attorney

We handle traffic tickets in the City of Dallas, Dallas County and surrounding areas. Fees for warrant removal in Dallas and nearby cities range from $75-$125. If you have a warrant, call immediately for a free consultation and let us help you avoid arrest. You are never charged by the hour. All fees are flat rate.

Why Hire a Traffic Ticket Attorney?

These days, it’s more important than ever to defend your driving record. The fines and court costs for many traffic violations can exceed $200.00, and paying them leads to a conviction on your record. In most cases when you pay the ticket, your insurance premiums also go up. On top of that, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) now assesses points against your record which could lead to additional surcharges. Once you are in the system, you could be paying hundreds of dollars in surcharges annually for up to 3 years. The system is so difficult to use that many people incur additional surcharges or even license suspensions because the requirements are so poorly communicated.

On the other hand, legal fees for traffic ticket attorneys are often more affordable than the ticket itself. In fact, traffic ticket attorneys, such as the Law Office of Cameron Byrd, are more reasonable and affordable than are any other specialist lawyer. Ticket attorneys handle many cases per day and this volume allows us to charge less per client.

Many defendants talk about possibly handling their own defense. Keep in mind that traffic ticket police are usually considered expert witnesses by the courts since they handle traffic violations almost every working day. This means the city or county that is accusing you of speeding or another moving violation has both attorneys and experts on their side to represent its stake in your case. Hiring a traffic ticket attorney puts an expert on your side and evens the playing field.

Hiring a ticket lawyer is a no-brainer and ensures you of the best possible outcome for your traffic violation case. We always aim for ticket dismissal. A dismissal of the ticket protects you against insurance rate hikes and DPS fees and surcharges. Even if you are required to pay a court fee and can only obtain a dismissal through probation, or other plea bargain agreement, a clear driving record will justify the expense.